What’s been the biggest challenge in your work?
Carl: Working with Craig!
Craig: Carl and bedbugs! I hate them so much and find myself getting delusory parasitosis and find myself still scratching and seeing things 2 weeks after the job was completed.
And what’s the most rewarding part?
Carl: Winning Installer of the Month naturally, and in second place is designing complicated installations, seeing the whole process through, working with Craig to share the pride we have in seeing our clients really pleased with the completed work, especially when it leads to further work with the same clients.
Craig: Obviously this award winning installer of the month, standing back at the end of a job knowing you and the team have carried out the job to the best of your abilities and nothing is more satisfying than the customers face at the end of a job, them knowing full well they made the right choice coming to us for their bird issues.
Why do you prefer using Defender® Bird Spikes?
Carl: We used a lot of Defender® products when I was back at Abate, loved working with the product range and far more importantly we think you guys are great, brilliant service, family run business who deserve all of the successes that you receive and you keep the humour and fun going in our little pest industry.
However, for this particular job we used Defender® Wide steel spikes because they fit nicely into the RSJ sills, the spike density is perfect to meet the needs of the recent heavy ex-pigeon population and using Defender® Fixing Silicone after a good clean down we know those spikes aren't going anywhere!
Craig: We’ve been using and installing Defender® products for years now and have found the quality and longevity of the spikes and plastic used in all products far out lives any other suppliers and with fantastic products like the Defender® Thistle with 240 spikes per metre and the low profile, we’ve found once shown to the customer and compared to other products on the market they basically sell themselves.
If you had to pick, what’s your favourite Defender® Bird Spike?
Carl: I have always liked the Defender® Extreme Gull, coming from Lowestoft I can think of a million and one places where that is needed. However, by far my favourite spike of all time is the Defender® Thistle hands down. I have yet to see any bird get the better of this spike and also it gives me so much joy when I tell technicians to be careful as it's a little sharp and they go out of their way to prove me right, they know who they are!.
Craig: Defender® Thistle bird spikes without a doubt, followed closely by the Defender® Solar Panel Excluders as they are so incredibly easy to install and with the right tools provided by Defender® I’ve always found solar panel proofing jobs peaceful, relaxing and not to taxing.
Dish the dirt, have you got any funny stories to tell us?
Craig: You had best stick with Carls funny story as the few that come to mind may be a little inappropriate.
Carl: A few years ago, I was carrying out an in-depth survey of a very complicated old building on the north Norfolk coast. I was surveying from inside the loft in which there was many sections to this roof space. As I was surveying for woodworm, bird nests/ingress points, rodent activity etc as instructed, I noticed an unlisted loft hatch which was in the perfect place to enter the roof if we were awarded the work.
As I lifted the loft hatch, my eyes locked eyes with someone below...it was an elderly lady on the toilet, I had wandered from my client's house into the next building and violated some old lady's privacy. I don't remember if we got the work or not!
Thank you to Carl and Craig for giving us such super answers and for choosing Defender® Bird Spikes. A big congratulations to you both and OCS on winning this highly sought after prize!