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Do Bird Spikes Hurt Birds?

Do Bird Spikes hurt birds?Although bird spikes look aggressive, they do NOT hurt birds, such as pigeons and seagulls. In fact, they are one of the most humane methods of deterring birds from properties. They work twofold:

1. Visual Deterrent

Birds are incredibly clever with sharp eyesight and can see where bird spikes have been installed. The multi-angled pins will look inaccessible and hostile to the bird. If there is an easier, more accessible ledge nearby they will simply fly off to a new perch.

2. Physical Deterrent

The strips of bird spikes are installed close to the leading edge of a ledge. The pins are placed at varying angles and slightly overhang the edge, this means a bird can not find a foothold to land on. If the bird is particularly persistent, as it tries to push against the pins, they press into the bird's chest, causing discomfort – but not pain! The bird will then choose to fly off to find a more bird-friendly accessible ledge.

Are Bird Spikes Humane?

Humane design means user wellbeing is at the core of a product. Defender® Bird Spikes are designed to neither hurt or cause distress to any birds. The pins themselves are firm enough to stay in place but will give a little if a bird persistently pushes against them and the ends are blunted to not cause injury. Birds are very quick learners, and will only try to access an old perch with spikes installed, once or twice before finding an easier roost.

To quote from the RSPCA's website:

Anti-perching devices, such as spikes, are considered to be one of the most humane ways of trying to minimise problems caused by nesting birds. The spines are usually angled so that they are awkward to land on but won't impale the bird, but some may be designed to bend but be firm enough to provide an uncomfortable perching or roosting place.

Are Bird Spikes legal in the UK?

Bird spikes are perfectly legal in the UK as they do not cause harm to birds. All birds are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act of 1981 therefore any methods of deterring them must be humane. If further action is required to remove birds, general licences can be applied for by professional pest controllers, but only after all humane options have been exhausted. If you would like to read more about the laws in the UK that affect our birds, take a look at The laws that affect pigeons, seagulls and you.

Are Bird Spikes cruel?

Although bird spikes look sharp and aggressive, they are not cruel. They simply deter the bird from landing and it learns quickly to go elsewhere. Different spikes have different length pins depending on the type of bird its designed to deter; the standard type of pigeon spikes seen in urban areas is designed for pigeons or similar sized birds. The pins are slightly longer than a pigeon's legs, so gently press into its chest if it tries to get close. Seagulls, with their longer legs, could overcome these spikes, so seagull spikes have longer pins. There are even small spikes, known as Defender® Thistle®, which deters the smaller birds such as starlings and sparrows. This spike has a dense pattern of pins which the birds cannot penetrate.

Chat with us

Of course, if you are in any way unsure if bird spikes are the solution for you, please do get in contact: Email or call us on 01626 835055 and we can talk through all the options to solve your bird issue.

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